Thursday, December 5, 2013

New workout split

So after taking a week off, thanks to the Thanksgiving Holiday and mother nature not being very cooperative this month, I have changed my workout schedule to a more flexible and easier way to work out. It is a Push, Pull, Leg workout split. A Pull day is when you workout your back and biceps, a Push is your chest, shoulders and triceps and Leg is all in its own. It is a 3 day split and the 4 days in between it is rest day. It doesn't have to be a rest day although, it can be something active like cardio, yoga, plyometrics or just a light active day.
M: Push
T: Active rest
W: Pull
Th: Active rest
F: Legs
S: Active rest
S: Push
M: Active rest
T: Pull
W: Active rest
Th: Legs
F: Active rest
S: Push
S: Active rest

And it would just continue to cycle on. This is going to be different for me since I am so used to do each body part on a single day. But this way it'll be more effective because I won't be training a muscle that was just being used to assist in the muscle group I used that day, for example when doing bicep curls with DB my main focus is the bicep but my tricep is also in assistance to make the ROM. With this split I am also giving each muscle group a 72 hour rest period for it to be used again. I hope this helps with your next training program if you are looking to switch it up. Remember it is best to switch up your training program every 4-6 weeks or else your body will get used to it and you won't see any gains. Keep the body guessing!

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